April 8, 2014  

This bulletin updates you on the 3 components of JCDA Oasis

Oasis Discussions
Oasis Help


CDA Essentials the new official CDA magazine

We are very pleased to announce the launch of the new CDA Essentials magazine, facilitating dialogue between the national association and the dental community. It is dedicated to keeping dentists informed about news, issues and clinically relevant information.

Access Issue 1


   Meeting of the Non-Insured Health Benefits Technical Working Group (NIHB TWG)

Dr. Peter Doig describes the work of the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) technical working group

Dr. Peter Doig, President of the Canadian Dental Association, was interviewed by Dr. John O’Keefe about his participation in a recent NIHB technical working group meeting.

Listen to the audio interview


HealthyPracticeNow.ca was developed to help improve both patient health and practice productivity.

We understand how cancellations and no shows impact the Practice. We know how hygiene can extend Orthodontic treatment time and impact the outcome. Our patient knowledge and communication tools create systems to empower the dental team and patients. If your office would like more patients to book what they need, keep what they book, and maintain proper oral health at home, we encourage you to visit our site for more information and testimonials. Healthy Patients = Healthy Practice

FlexCare Platinum. More innovation. Less plaque between teeth.



Using LED Lights in Your Office: Are Your Eyes At Risk?

Dr. Richard Price, from Dalhousie University, is organizing a two-day symposium in May 2014 aimed at developing strategies to educate other practitioners about the proper use of curing lights.

In preparation of the symposium, Dr. Price would like to know your opinion: would you like to see Canadian funding agencies support research to examine if LED curing lights, bleaching lights, operatory lights or headlamps are damaging your eyes?

What do you think? Vote here


The Alberta Dental Association and College introduces a new standard of practice

Dr. John O’Keefe interviewed Dr. Gary Fong, President of the Alberta Dental Association and College, about a new standard of practice on facial esthetic therapies and adjunctive therapies in dental practice.

Listen to the audio interview


It’s CDHA National Dental Hygiene Week!

April 6-12 is National Dental Hygiene Week. The Canadian Dental Hygiene Association takes this opportunity to take up the challenge of making oral hygiene a priority in your daily life. The week’s theme is “Oral Health for Total Health,” and it reminds us that taking care of our mouth, teeth, and gums positively impacts our overall health and well-being.

Lean more



Dr. Ron Smith speaks about the newest CDA member service: eReferral

Dr. John O’Keefe interviewed Dr. Ron Smith, past CDA President and present Chair of the board of Continovation Services Inc. about the new CDA member service eReferral.

Listen to the audio interview


A new curriculum for oral-systemic health education for non-dental healthcare providers

The Oral-Systemic Health Education for Non-Dental Healthcare Providers curriculum bridges the gap between medicine and dentistry, and is the first of its kind in health science education.

Read the post


FAQs: What is contact dermatitis and latex allergy?

Occupationally related contact dermatitis can develop from frequent and repeated use of hand hygiene products, exposure to chemicals, and glove use.

Read the post


Get involved with Oasis Help! We invite individuals and groups of general dentists, dental specialists, physicians and pharmacists to join our project as authors, reviewers, and content and translation advisors. Email us at oasishelp@cda-adc.ca 


Visit our Oasis Discussions website to submit the most critical questions relating to your everyday practice. Or, call our toll-free line at 1-855-71-OASIS and leave us a message with your questions. We welcome a broad range of questions about diagnosis and treatment, techniques, materials, instruments, and devices or therapeutic agents. We encourage you to send us your questions as they arise.

Our goal is to have JCDA Expert panellists answer your questions as quickly as possible and share them through our various channels of knowledge translation.

You can help: Please send us the most common restorative emergency scenarios to which you need answers at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca 

If you find our posts valuable and interesting, please share this knowledge with your friends, colleagues, and professional network and spread the word about the new Oasis Help and Oasis Discussions. At the end of each post, you have the option to share this post with colleagues that are on your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and email contact networks.

Tell us how we are doing: visit our website and give us your feedback www.oasisdiscussions.ca

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Oasis Bulletin is presented to you by the Canadian Dental Association CDA Logo
1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is not intended to substitute for appropriate clinical training. Read more…
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