May 28, 2013
Does your patient need penicillin?
This post is adapted from the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) Drug Monograph: Penicillin G/Penicillin V
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Quick Response: What are the guidelines for washing hands?
Dr. Nita Mazurat, representing the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has provided a quick initial response to this question submitted by a general dentist
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Does Er:YAG laser enhance the result of root planing in patients with periodontal disease?
This systematic review summary is adapted from the American Dental Association's Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry article: Evidence suggests that the Er:YAG laser does not enhance the result of root planing in patients with periodontal disease
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Is there evidence favouring one irrigant over another irrigant in root canal treatments?
This systematic review summary is adapted from an article published in the British Dental Assocation's journal Evidence-Based Dentistry
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What are NSAIDs?
This post is adapted from the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) Drug Monograph: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
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Quick Response: What should I use for washing my hands before gloving?
Dr. Nita Mazurat, representing the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has provided a quick initial response to this question submitted by a general dentist
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How do I manage a fallen or lost gingival graft?
This Urgent Care Scenario (USC) is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. Terri Logue. It is also available on Oasis Help.
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Video Procedure: What is a connective tissue graft?
This video procedure is available on the Dental Procedure Education System (DPES) of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto
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Video Presentation: How does resin chemistry and composite formulation affect the photocuring process?
This short video is presented by Dr. Jeff Stansbury. The video discusses how resin chemistry and composite formulation affect the photocuring process
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Quick response: Why do I have to wash my hands, if I am wearing gloves?
Dr. Nita Mazurat, representing the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has provided a quick initial response to this question submitted by a general dentist
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How do I manage a fractured immature incisor with exposed pulp?
This Urgent Care Scenario is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. Ladan Mansouri. It is also available on Oasis Help
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What is pericoronitis and how is it treated?
This Urgent Care Scenario is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. Samer Nuwwareh. It is also available on Oasis Help
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JCDA Oasis: New Value-Added Components for Dentists
CDA officially launched JCDA Oasis, its new Online Advice and Searchable Information System, during the CDA annual general meeting events which took place in Ottawa in April. This latest generation of innovative dialogue and information tools is intended to fill a gap in the existing range of resources available to practitioners. Read more.
CDA Award Winners
CDA presented some its latest awards during ceremonies held in Ottawa in April 2013. Read more.
Plugged In: Disaster Recovery Plans
When I was a student, I remember working late into the night trying to complete a school assignment on my PC, when my computer would suddenly display an error message and shut down. In those days there were no real-time backups. The heart-wrenching feeling of realizing I had just lost all my work and would have to start from scratch still sticks with me. Read more.
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