Welcome to the latest instalment of JCDA Update—an email bulletin that keeps you up-to-date on new material currently found on the new JCDA website.
In addition to the articles outlined below, we have recently launched a Discussions section dedicated to volunteer dentistry. Here, you can share your outreach experiences with colleagues or browse volunteering resources and opportunities, if you are looking to get involved in your community or beyond.
I am always interested in receiving your feedback and advice about the JCDA website—especially any features that can provide solutions to clinical problems and be more useful at the point of patient care.
I invite you to take a few minutes to look around the JCDA website and let me know what you like and dislike and what could be added to make it more appealing. In particular, please visit the Products & Services section and tell me what would make this area more useful and compelling for you.
Dr. John P. O’Keefe
Editor-in-chief, JCDA