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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 75, No. 7
ISSN: 1488-2159
September 2009


CDA congratulates University of British Columbia's Kevin Chien-Hsun Lee, winner of the 2009 CDA/Dentsply Student Clinician Research Program for his research project on the use of fluorescence visualization in identifying high-risk oral lesions. The 2009 CDA/Dentsply Student Clinician Research Program took place on March 6, 2009, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the CDA Annual Convention and Pacific Dental Conference.

As part of the award, Mr. Lee will present his research project at the 2009 American Dental Association Annual Session in Honolulu, Hawaii.

For a full report of this year's Student Clinican Program, see page 495 in the print JCDA or visit the Dentistry News section of the CDA website.

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