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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 73, No. 9
ISSN: 1488-2159
November 2007


Dr. George K.B. Sándor is a frequent contributor to JCDA. In this special issue, which explores the links between dentistry and medicine, Dr. Sándor has contributed 4 Clinical Practice articles updating dentists on musculoskeletal conditions, as well as a guest editorial on Knowledge Transfer Between Dentistry and Medicine.

Dr. Sandor is clinical director, graduate program in oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesia, Mount Sinai Hospital, coordinator, pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery, the Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids Rehab, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, University of Toronto, and docent in oral and maxillofacial surgery, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.

Cover photo Courtesy of Dr. David K. Lam

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