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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 70, No. 10
ISSN: 1488-2159
November 2004


Influence of Natural Fruit Juices in Removing the Smear Layer from Root Surfaces — An In Vitro Study


• Fernanda Oliveira Bello Corrêa, DDS, MS •
• José Eduardo Cezar Sampaio, DDS, MS, PhD •
• Carlos Rossa Júnior, DDS, MS, PhD •
• Silvana Regina Perez Orrico, DDS, MS, PhD •

A b s t r a c t

Certain elements of a patient's diet may be associated with dentin hypersensitivity. The intent of this study was to evaluate the degree of removal of the smear layer from dentin surfaces by various fruit juices. A smear layer was created on extracted human teeth by manual scaling. The roots were reduced and distributed into 8 experimental groups. Distilled water was the negative control.

The juices were applied by 2 methods: topical application and topical application with friction. Specimens were photomicrographed and graded according to an index of smear layer removal. With topical application, all but 2 of the tested substances resulted in significantly greater removal of the smear layer and opening of dentinal tubules than was the case with the negative control (p = 0.05); the exceptions were Gala apple and Italian grape juices, which were no different from the control.

For the active application (with friction), most substances removed more smear layer than the control (p < 0.05); Gala apple, Italian grape and orange juices were similar to the control. For each of the tested substances, removal of the smear layer did not differ with the method of application (topical vs. friction; p > 0.05).

It is concluded that natural fruit juices can remove the smear layer from dentin surfaces, and the efficacy of this removal varies with the type of juice.


MeSH Key Words: dentin hypersensitivity; diet/adverse effects; smear layer
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