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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 70, No. 1
ISSN: 1488-2159
January 2004


Estimating the Weight of Dental Amalgam Restorations


• Albert O. Adegbembo, BDS, DDPH, MSc, FRCD(C) •
• Philip A. Watson, DDS, MScD •
• Shanin Rokni, DDS •

A b s t r a c t

Aim: Data on the weights of amalgam restorations are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine these weights and to develop criteria to facilitate their estimation.

Methods: Four separate regression models with 4 covariates in various combinations were used to estimate the weight of amalgam restorations. Model I, based on 514 restorations from both natural and anatomical replica teeth, contained 3 covariates: the number of restored surfaces (covariate A), the type of tooth (covariate B) and whether the restoration had been removed from a natural tooth or an anatomical replica tooth (covariate C). Model II, based on 359 restorations from anatomical replicas, contained 2 covariates: A and B. Model III, based on 155 restorations from natural teeth, contained 3 covariates: covariates A and B and whether the natural teeth had been extracted in 2002 or at least 15 years previously (covariate D). In model IV, covariate D was removed from model III.

Results: Model I explained 72% of the variation in the weight of restorations; the partial R2 for covariates A, B and C in model I was 0.5818, 0.797 and 0.0579, respectively (p < 0.001). In model III, the weights of the restorations did not depend on covariate D (p = 0.93). The least square mean weight of amalgam restorations with 1, 2, 3, and 4 or more surfaces restored (and 95% confidence interval) was 0.31 g (0.28–0.34 g), 0.49 g (0.45–0.53 g), 0.81 g (0.76–0.86 g) and 1.38 g (1.31–1.45 g), respectively.

Conclusion: The number of surfaces restored (covariate A) accounted for at least 80% of the variation in the weight of restorations in all models and therefore provides the best estimate for the weight of amalgam restorations.


MeSH Key Words: dental amalgam/analysis; dental restoration, permanent
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