© J Can Dent Assoc 2001; 67:137
The Canadian Cancer Society offers a number of smoking cessation resources online, including One Step At A Time, A Breakthrough Quit-Smoking Program.
These Health Canada Web pages focus on the effect of smoking, with suggestions about quitting and links to other pertinent sites.
The award-winning Action on Smoking and Health site provides information to non-smokers on protecting their rights.
The No Smoking Software site is a computer resource for people trying to quit smoking. The software boasts that it can help teenagers shake the habit. The software costs $20 US plus shipping.
The American Lung Association has numerous resources for quitting smoking. The site discusses options such as nicotine replacement therapy and anti-depressants. Its smoking cessation publication Seven Steps to a Smoke-Free Life can be ordered online.
The Tobacco-Free Kids site is an initiative to help youth to avoid smoking or to quit.
The Quit Smoking Company offers information and specific products to aid in quitting smoking. The section on frequently asked questions offers lots of tips to help smokers get through the difficult period of smoking cessation.
A site from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that helps smokers set up a quit plan free of charge.
If you have patients who use smokeless tobacco, refer them to this fact sheet from the California Dental Association.
The American Cancer Society has posted numerous references on smoking-related cancers.
The information on the site of the American Heart Association discusses lifestyle modifications, including smoking cessation, to prevent heart problems.
Maintained by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, this site has a collection of pictures, including photos of lung removal surgery, showing the harmful effects of smoking tobacco.
CDA is one of several health organizations which supports the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control, an organization specializing in tobacco and health issues.
Multimedia shock tactics aimed at teenagers.
The anti-smoking group behind this site wants people to recognize the effects of tobacco marketing on children and to put a stop to it.
The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has posted resources for smokers trying to quit, including an “I Quit” booklet that can be downloaded in PDF format. The same site contains a list of past Surgeon General’s reports at http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sgrpage.htm.
By typing “tobacco” in the search function, you will have access to a number of resources from the American Dental Association, including information on smoking and dentistry.
Anti-Smoking Listserv To subscribe, send an e-mail message to listserv@arizvml.ccit.arizona.edu. In the body of the message, simply type: subscribe tobactalk followed by your e-mail address.
Newsgroups Newsgroups are a forum for the exchange of information about a particular subject. You do not need to subscribe to a newsgroup to access its information. Newsgroup messages are read with a “newsreader” (both Netscape and Microsoft have newsreaders).
http://groups.google.com (then type in tobacco in the search newsgroup function)
Dr. Scott MacLean maintains a private practice in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His e-mail address is maclean@ns.sympatico.ca.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policies of the Canadian Dental Association