© J Can Dent Assoc 2001; 67:76
his months article highlights some of the more interesting periodontal Web sites.Canadian Academy of Periodontology This bilingual Web site provides information to periodontists and the public. A search function allows patients to look for a periodontist in their area.
Periodontics Information Center This UCLA-promoted site has a collection of periodontal learning modules for dental professionals.
About.com This site is an excellent information resource for both dentists and patients. Periodontal procedures and frequently asked questions are presented in a nice, user-friendly layout. The site contains a number of links to other health and dental sites.
American Academy of Periodontology One of the interesting features of the AAP site is that it contains a convenient index of the articles that are available to those who subscribe to the Journal of Periodontology.
International Academy of Periodont ology This site provides news and information for its members and lists upcoming meetings.
Histology of the Periodontium by Dr. Max Listgarten This is a free online course that takes you through a review of the microscopic anatomy of the periodontium.
British Society of Periodontology The site provides a review of the periodontal literature with summaries of pertinent articles.
Department of Periodontology for Oral Health Sciences, Malmo University, Sweden Some periodontal cases are presented that deal with pathogenesis, prognosis, differential diagnosis, and diagnostic descriptions of periodontal conditions.
European Workshops in Periodontology Site created by the European Academy of Periodontology.
Interactive Periodontology: A European Project in Dental Education This sites mission is to develop and evaluate a European Networked Interactive Curriculum in Periodontology (ENICIP) for undergraduate students of Oral Health Sciences. The site describes the Web-initiated learning program for model learning development.
The W3 site of Periodontology and Oral Implantology This bilingual site contains clinical cases, an index of journal articles, and many dental links.
PerioReports.com This site publicizes Perio Reports, a newsletter published 6 times per year. You can find out which journals are reviewed for the newsletter and request a sample issue.
HIV Associated Periodontal Lesions Interesting cases are presented to assist dentists in treating patients with HIV-associated periodontal lesions.
SaveyourSmile.com This site is aimed at the public. Check it out to see what your patients may be reading.
Periodontal Listserv
A listserv is an automatic mailing list you can join to communicate with people who have the same interests as you. Once you are on the distribution list, you can share e-mails with all of the subscribers.1. D-PERIO
Discussion group initated by the Infectious Diseases Program at the National Institute of Dental Research.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV
The text of the message should only read: SUBSCRIBE D-PERIO First-name Last-name (e.g.
Contact: Dennis Mangan
To subscribe, type ADD in the subject line. Describe your involvement in the dental profession and your name will be manually added to the list.
Contact: Heiko Spallek (owner)
Dr. Scott MacLean maintains a private practice in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His e-mail address is maclean@ns.sympatico.ca.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policies of the Canadian Dental Association.