Table des
ISSN: 1488-2159
Vol 67,
No. 1 - Janvier 2001 |
18- |
Le besoin de normaliser
le perçage de la langue
Christine Botchway, BDS, LDSRCS (Eng), DDPHRCS (Eng), M.Sc. (Pub
Health) |
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20 - |
Clostridium difficile
Colitis Following Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Dental Procedures
Anne Marie Bombassaro, B.Sc.Phm., PharmD
Stephen J. Wetmore, MD, CCFP, FCFP(C)
Michael A. John, MB, ChB, FRCP(C) |
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25 - |
Congenitally Missing
Maxillary Lateral Incisors and Orthodontic Treatment Considerations for the Single-Tooth
Grace Richardson, B.Sc., B.Ed
Kathy A. Russell, B.Sc., DDS, M.Sc |
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32 - |
Les ressources
éducatives en direct Plus dinformation nous rend-il plus savants?
Randy Mazurat, B.Sc., DDS, Cert. Prostho., MDE |
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34 - |
Maladies parodontales
chez les adultes de 35 à 44 ans du Québec
Jean-Marc Brodeur, DDS, PhD
Martin Payette, DDS
Mike Benigeri, CD, PhD
Anne Charbonneau, DMD, M.Sc., PhD
Marie Olivier, DMD, M.Sc.
Dominique Chabot, DMD, M.Sc |
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In Vitro Comparison of
Peak Polymerization Temperatures of 5 Provisional Restoration Resins
Caroline Lieu, B.Sc.N.
Tang-Minh Nguyen
Lise Payant, B.Sc., DMD, MHE |
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Éditorial |
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Le mot du président |
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LInternet pour les dentistes |
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