The bleaching treatment was performed on 24 volunteer adult dental students, staff
and patients who expressed an interest in bleaching their teeth. The indications,
contraindications, risks and benefits of bleaching were written into the consent form and
discussed with each subject. The bleaching treatment was performed on vital teeth with no
or minimal intact restorations, no or minimal dentin exposure, and no or minimal history
of tooth sensitivity. The fabrication of the bleaching trays, the dispensing of the
bleaching kits and the photographing the patients were personally supervised by the
An irreversible hydrocolloid impression was taken of each patient’s upper arch to
fabricate stone study models. Reservoirs approximately 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm thick for the
bleaching agent were built into the bleaching trays by first applying a photopolymerizable
spacer material (LC Block-Out, Ultradent) onto the labial surfaces of the teeth to be
bleached. The number of teeth to be bleached depended on the patient’s smile line.
Generally, teeth 14 to 24 or 15 to 25 were prepared for bleaching on the study model. The
spacer was kept away (approximately 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm) from the gingival margin, the
interproximal contacts and the incisal and occlusal edges. A flexible 0.9-mm-thick ethyl
vinyl acetate bleaching tray was then vacuum formed and trimmed in a scalloped fashion to
avoid all soft tissue contact.
The proprietary bleaching systems under investigation were Nite White Excel (peppermint
cream flavour, Discus Dental), Platinum Professional Toothwhitening System (Colgate) and
Opalescence Whitening Gel (regular flavour, Ultradent). For each patient, two bleaching
systems were randomly selected and randomly designated "left" or
"right". The patient was to use one bleaching system for the left side and
another for the right side, thus using the two agents simultaneously. A preliminary trial
using disclosing agents in one of the bleaching materials showed no significant crossover
of bleaching material to the other side when the bleaching tray was fabricated as
described. Furthermore, mild crossover of two bleaching materials was not a serious
concern, because other teeth in addition to the central incisors were to be used for
comparing the bleaching effect.
Each patient received a daily log form, which clearly labelled which material was to be
used for which side. The log was also to record the patient’s smoking habits, the
patient’s coffee and tea intake, the presence or absence of restorations on the teeth
to be bleached, and the presence or absence of subjective tooth sensitivity before
bleaching. Patients were instructed how to place the bleaching agents into the bleaching
trays. Each patient was to wear the tray for approximately 14 consecutive nights (after
brushing and during sleep). Each patient was asked to record daily the duration of
bleaching and any subjective evaluations or effects of each bleaching agent. Patients were
advised that if they experienced tooth sensitivity or other side effects, they could
reduce their exposure to the agents by reducing either the duration or the frequency of
bleaching. The patients were free to discontinue the treatment at any time.
A pre-study photograph of the teeth was taken under standardized lighting conditions
using the same camera and dental operatory light, with and without a matching Vita shade
guide tab of the teeth to be bleached (Fig. 1). After the bleaching treatment, a
post-study photograph of each patient was taken (Fig. 2) and the daily logs were
collected. Data on the onset of tooth whitening (first patient record of subjective tooth
whitening) and the onset, frequency and duration of tooth sensitivity for each bleaching
agent were analyzed by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Paired t-tests were also performed to compare
the two bleaching agents used side-by-side on the same patient (p < 0.05).
The protocol for this study was approved by the University of Toronto Office of
Research Services Human Subjects Review Committee.
Side effects of the bleaching treatment presented minimal problems to the patients. Six
patients (25%) reported gum tingling, tenderness or mild sensitivity for one or two days.
One patient reported a scratchy throat for one day. One patient reported sleep
interruption and a sore jaw for a couple of days toward the end of treatment. Another
patient reported some bruxism as a response to wearing the tray. Three patients did not
like the consistency of one of the bleaching products compared with the other.
Intrapatient differences in whitening effect and tooth sensitivity by the two
commercial bleaching systems used by each patient were occasionally reported; however,
there was no clear trend for the intrapatient differences for the bleaching agents. No
intrapatient differences in tooth whitening were noted between the left and right halves.
There were no statistical differences in the time of onset of subjective tooth whitening
and the onset, frequency and duration of tooth sensitivity among the three commercial
bleaching systems when compared pairwise (paired t-test) or independently (ANOVA).
A placebo gel was not included in this study because it is well known that carbamide
peroxide and hydrogen peroxide bleaching materials will lighten teeth significantly more
than placebo materials.7-11 The patients were aware which bleaching agents they were
using. It was thought that potential bias by the patients toward a particular agent would
be minimal given that the agents had the same 10% carbamide peroxide concentration, the
patients had no previous bleaching experience or affiliations with any of the agents, and
no marketing or extraneous packaging materials were given to the patients.
No attempt was made to quantify the degree of whitening achieved. Other studies have
attempted to quantify tooth colour changes by using the Vita shade tab system or a
colorimeter.7-11 The Vita shade tab system requires subjective shade matching, and the
colorimeter has been criticized because of its technique sensitivity and need for a flat
surface. In addition, small increments of change that could perhaps be measured by
instruments such as a colorimeter would not necessarily indicate a clinically significant
result. A clinically significant bleaching result necessitates a clear perception by the
patient of a difference in tooth colour. In this study, therefore, a notation by the
patient that the teeth became whiter was accepted as a clinically significant colour
Every patient reported some degree of tooth whitening. The colour changes ranged widely
from very slight to dramatic. The average onset for apparent tooth colour change was 2.5
days. An early onset of bleaching effect is desirable to encourage compliance. Four
patients reported the onset of tooth whitening as occurring in localized areas of their
teeth, resulting in white spots. This response to bleaching has been attributed to
variations in enamel structure.12 The visibility of the white spots diminishes over time
as the dentin and the rest of the enamel become whiter and perhaps as some of the early
enamel whitening regresses. Patients should be advised of the likelihood of initial white
spots as a result of the bleaching treatment.
The advantages of overnight wear include greater patient convenience and improved
material retention due to less salivation and less interference with the bleaching tray by
the patient. Disadvantages are that overnight wear generally leads to longer contact times
and does not allow the patient to monitor the side effects, such as tooth sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity was the most significant side effect of this study. Its frequency was
relatively high compared to other reported problems. Other clinical studies using 10%
carbamide peroxide for overnight wear over a period of several weeks have reported a 9% to
100% incidence of tooth sensitivity.7,13-16 Leonard and colleagues17 suggested that the
only predictors for tooth sensitivity during home bleaching were frequency of application
and whether the patient had sensitive teeth before bleaching. Sex, age, day or night wear
pattern, dental arch, and absence or presence of abrasion, defective restorations or
gingival recession had no significant effect on the development of tooth sensitivity in
their study.
In the present study, most reports of sensitivity were mild, transient, sporadic or
continuous over a few days, and were elicited by a cold stimulus. When specific teeth were
indicated, they were usually the incisors and canines; the premolars were never indicated
as specifically sensitive. Two patients reported episodes of spontaneous sensitivity. Two
patients reported sensitivity to heat. Five patients reported one to three days of
"acute," "very," "extreme," "high" or
"severe" tooth sensitivity. The mean number of days of sensitivity was 5.0 ±
3.8 days. All patients should be advised of the likelihood of tooth sensitivity as part of
their informed consent. They should also be told that sensitivity could be severe enough
to prevent or at least delay the completion of treatment. In other studies, 2 of 17, 4 of
10 and 4 of 28 patients discontinued their bleaching treatment as a result of tooth
sensitivity.7,18 In the present study, 25% of the patients skipped at least one day of
bleaching for tooth sensitivity reasons but continued to bleach their teeth thereafter.
One patient stopped treatment after 12 days because of sensitivity.
The patients were generally assessed within one week of the bleaching treatment. No
patients reported the persistence of tooth sensitivity after the cessation of bleaching.
This is in agreement with other reports, which conclude that no long-term irreversible
pulpal effects are associated with these bleaching techniques.6 Electric pulp tests have
indicated no significant changes in pulp response following bleaching whether the teeth
were sensitive or not.7,16 Longer exposures to bleaching agents do not appear to increase
the level of tooth sensitivity. In this study, tooth sensitivity often diminished during
the latter part of treatment. In one 6-month clinical study, the majority of
tooth-sensitive days occurred near the beginning of treatment and there were only zero to
20 days of total tooth sensitivity.18
Tooth sensitivity has been attributed to the permeation of the bleaching agent into the
pulp.19 Fluoride gels in the bleaching trays have been recommended for treating tooth
sensitivity;3 however, fluoride’s action in desensitization is unknown. It could be
beneficial in reducing exposure of the pulp to the bleaching agents by simply supplanting
the use of the bleaching agent for that day. Fluoride and other desensitizing pastes could
also theoretically reduce the penetration of hydrogen peroxide into the pulp by reducing
the permeability of dentinal tubules at their orifices. Nonetheless, the best ways to
reduce the pulpal inflammation causing tooth sensitivity are probably to reduce the time
of exposure to the bleaching agent and to administer anti-inflammatory analgesics.
Despite some reported intrapatient differences, there were no statistically significant
differences among the three commercial bleaching systems with respect to tooth
According to information from the manufacturers, Opalescence uses glycerine and
contains 20% water. Platinum has a water-based dentifrice formulation. Nite White Excel
uses a polyglycol composition and is unique because it contains no water. The water
content of the bleaching agent could conceivably affect both tooth dehydration and
material stability. In the present study, the different water content of the three
commercial bleaching systems did not appear to affect tooth sensitivity or tooth
The pH values of the three bleaching materials were measured at room temperature by a
flat surface polymer body combination electrode with an Accumet 620 pH/mV meter (Fisher).
For Platinum, the mean pH was 5.90 (± 0.03, standard deviation); for Opalescence, 6.40
(± 0.09); and for Nite White, 7.43 (± 0.03). Scanning electron microscope investigations
have shown slight changes to enamel surface morphology after exposure to bleaching
material, particularly under more acidic conditions.20 The clinical significance of these
changes, however, is considered negligible or minimal for bleaching treatments of normal
duration when the buffering and remineralization potential of the saliva are considered.21
Furthermore, it has been shown that the pH of a carbamide peroxide solution increases
during nightguard wear as a result of urea breakdown.22 The pH of the material can affect
peroxide radical liberation (and hence, bleaching effect) and material stability.23 A
sufficiently low-pH material can also open exposed dentinal tubules, resulting in
increased tooth sensitivity. In the present study, the different pH values of the three
commercial bleaching systems did not result in clinical differences in tooth sensitivity
or tooth whitening.
The selection of a bleaching product should be based on the concentration of the active
ingredient, the viscosity of the bleaching agent (higher material viscosity leads to
greater material retention)24 and other marketing features. It is likely that higher
concentrations of carbamide peroxide will not only whiten teeth more quickly and to a
greater degree, but will also lead to increased sensitivity problems. Therefore, a balance
between tooth sensitivity and tooth whitening needs to be struck for each individual
patient. In Canada, a concentration of 10% carbamide peroxide is significant because
formulations containing greater than 10% can be used only under the supervision of dental
professionals. In the United States, only 10% carbamide peroxide formulations have
received the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance from the Council on Scientific
Affairs of the American Dental Association.
Bleaching methods and materials appear to be growing by leaps and bounds. This study
attempts to provide some independent clinical data for dental practitioners for the most
common home bleaching method using an overnight wearing regimen in a clinical setting.
Further research is needed to investigate the causes of tooth sensitivity and methods to
reduce its severity and frequency. n
Dr. Tam is an assistant professor, department of restorative dentistry, University of
Reprint requests to: Dr. L. Tam, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of
Dentistry, University of Toronto, 124 Edward St. Toronto, ON M5G 1G6
The author has no declared financial interest in any company manufacturing the types of
products mentioned in this article.
Acknowledgments: The author thanks Mr. R. Kandola, a third-year dental student in the
faculty of dentistry, University of Toronto, for his assistance in obtaining the pH
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