Volume 9 • 2022 • Numéro 1

ca jcda ca jcdaf Joignez le plus important groupe de dentistes au Canada ca jcda jadc Consultez le pour d’autres petites annonces Adressez les commandes et les demandes à : John Reid, poste 102 jreid@pgmpi.ca a/s Peter Greenhough Media Partners Inc. 15, cheminWade Ancaster (Ontario) L9G 4G1 Tél. : 647-955-0060, poste 102 Les annonces ne sont pas acceptées par téléphone. Veuillez faire parvenir les réponses aux numéros de boîtes à l’adresse suivante : Box...JCDA 15, cheminWade Ancaster (Ontario) L9G 4G1 Les noms et adresses des annonceurs qui utilisent les boîtes-réponse sont strictement confidentiels. Colonne, Taille L H Coût 3 colonnes, page complète 6,8125” 9,375” 2 880 $ 3 colonnes, 1/2 page 6,8125” 4,625” 1 640 $ 1 colonne, page complète 2,125” 9,375” 1 260 $ 3 colonnes, 1/3 page 6,8125” 3” 1 260 $ 3 colonnes, 1/4 page 6,8125” 2,25” 1 080 $ 2 colonnes, 1/4 page 4,5” 2,25” 1 080 $ Tarif des encadrés grand fomat Tarif despetites annonces ordinaires 300 $ jusqu’à 50 mots, 1,78 $ par mot supplémentaire. Pour couleur, ajouter 285 $. Toutes les annonces doivent être prépayées. Rabais de 10 % pour les dentistes membres de leur association provinciale ou territoriale (10 associations membres de l’ADC) et pour les membres affiliés (individuels) de l’ADC au Québec. * Les petites annonces sont publiées dans la langue de soumission. Cabinets BRITISH COLUMBIA—Haida Gwaii (Village of Queen Charlotte): A jewel of a dental practice is for sale on the magical islands of Haida Gwaii. With mild winters, lifestyle activities include ocean kayaking, world class fishing, surfing, and beachwalking.With over 30 years of high quality dentistry and good will, the dentist and hygienist are booked 6 months in advance. Boasting 1300ft, the clinic has 4 operatories (optional 5th), and 5 Jade air sterilizers for a safe working environment.Please contact Dr. Dean Nomura at dnomura.ent@gmail. com or Manfred Purtzki at manfred@purtzki.com to request a current valuation. D14868 BRITISH COLUMBIA—Pender Island: Peaceful southern gulf island established dental practice with all new equipment 3 years and less for sale. Strong patient base with a captive audience. All aspects of general dentistry. Professionally appraised. Set your own pace, as busy as you want to be. Live and work in paradise! Call 250-222-0428 or email g.sacher@penderislanddental.ca . D14058 BRITISH COLUMBIA—Prince George: FSBO. Modern general dental practice. Fully electronically enabled/digital. Located in Prince George, BC. Well established in community. Owner works 9 x12hr days per month and produces 1.5M gross revenues. Average revenues over past 24 months 1.4MM. Efficiently run practice. Staff of 4. 2019 EBITDAwas $710,000. 4 rest. ops 2 used as hyg room. 1 FT hygienist. Heavy emphasis on surgery, endo, C&B and ortho-50-50 SWT vs CAT Vaatech CT+ all digital sensors+IO cameras+TVs+iTero. 30-40 NP per month. Thousands of active patients. No associate so lots of room for expansion. Owner selling to focus on building his new lower mainland clinic. If interested contact Office Manager (Serena): E: smile@drandrewwilloughby.com / Ph: 1.604.541.1800. D14382 BRITISH COLUMBIA—South Okanagan: Dental Practice for sale. All newoffice andequipment. Professionallyappraised.Seriousinquiriespleaseemail: jiwduke@xplornet.com . D14566 BRITISH COLUMBIA—Victoria: Prosthodontic practice for sale. Associate to buy in available. 30 year established, busy practice. 2 operatories, 2 seat Lab facility, and wet lab. “Front desk-less” concept works great! Dedicated staff, excellent lab support. Small volume, high Gross/Net. Contact: drbeyak@shaw.ca. D14652 NEW BRUNSWICK: Clinique Dentaire Peninsule Existing dental practice for almost 35 years. It has a loyal clientele thanks to its quality of care as well as its staff devoted to its customers. It is an experienced team who will make patient visits most enjoyable. A wide range of treatment plans are available there and all this made possible by the numerous continuing education certifications that Dr. Petrie and his team have followed over the years. The many investments in high- tech dental equipment make it a first choice clinic and at the cutting edge of technology if you wish to invest in a clinic. Doctor is a high quality mentor who can help with a transition to one or more new investors. This clinic is perfectly located in the Acadian Peninsula, in Tracadie-Sheila, New Brunswick. It has no less than 8 operating theaters, Cerec, Cerec Inlab, Trios intraoral scanner and E4 lab scanner from 3Shape, digital radiography, Pan / Ceph, Modern sterilization including: Hydrim, Statim, Statclave, laser etc. All patient records are digitized. It’s with a dentist ready to transition as well as an exceptional team waiting for you if the challenge appeals to you. petlos@nbnet.nb.ca (506) 397-2086. D14651 35 Numéro 1 | 2022 | Petites annonces