L’essentiel de l’ADC • Volume 5 • Numéro 7
44 | 2018 | Numéro 7 P etites annonces etites ann nces The College of Dentistry invites applications from qualified individuals for a full-time tenure-track research position. The successful candidate will have a PhD and post-doctoral experience with a research background in oral health and precision medicine. The successful candidate will possess a proven research track record that includes evidence of research publication and secured external grant funding (preferably Tri-Agency funding). Preference will be given to applicants who hold a professional dental degree (DMD, DDS, BDS). Interested candidates must submit a cover letter that includes a brief statement of your teaching experience and research interests; detailed curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, and any supporting documents including proof of education, notarized, translated (English) copies of undergraduate and graduate degrees to: Dr. Doug Brothwell, Dean College of Dentistry, 105 Wiggins Road University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E4 Telephone: (306) 966-5121 Fax: (306) 966-5132 email: dentfacultysearch@usask.ca Applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2018. Electronic submissions by email are preferred. The University of Saskatchewan thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. To view a more comprehensive version of this job listing, please visit http://jcda.ca/university-saskatchewan-1 Faculty Position College of Dentistry The College of Dentistry invites applications from qualified individuals for a full time tenure-track position for the Director of the General Practice Residency Program (GPR). The General Practice Residency at the USask is seeking an engaged, energetic, clinically active Program Director to provide leadership for program accreditation with the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The successful candidate will have a DMD, DDS, or BDS, have completed a General Practice Residency Program, possess a passion for hospital dentistry and resident education, and be able to demonstrate a broad dental clinical skill set. Interested candidates must submit a cover letter that includes a brief statement of your teaching experience and research interests; detailed curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, and any supporting documents including proof of education, notarized, translated (English) copies of undergraduate and graduate degrees to: Dr. Doug Brothwell, Dean College of Dentistry, 105 Wiggins Road University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E4 Telephone: (306) 966-5121 Fax: (306) 966-5132 email: dentfacultysearch@usask.ca Applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2018. Electronic submissions by email are preferred. The University of Saskatchewan thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. To view a more comprehensive version of this job listing, please visit http://jcda.ca/university-saskatchewan-4 Faculty Position College of Dentistry Expand your practice with Orthodontics • Grow Your Income • Enhance Patient Care • Personal Case Study CSW & Functional Orthodontic Program Major emphasis on orthodontics, invisalign, practice management, the new implant anchorage system and cosmetic rehabilitation. • Our Regular l 0 Full Program Sessions Available Toronto, Ontario For complete Course Description and to Reserve Your Place, Call 1-877-20-ORTHO or visit www .ca n a d ia n strai gh t w ir e .com Canadian/ComprehensiveStraightWire and FunctionalOrthodonticProgram isan ADACERP RecognizedProvider. ADACERP isa serviceofthe AmericanDental Association toassistdentalprofessionals in identifyingqualityprovidersofcontinuingdentaleducation. ADACERP doesnotapproveorendorse individual coursesor instructors, nor does it imply acceptanceofcredithoursbyboardsofdentistry. Canadian/ComprehensiveStraightWireand FunctionalOrthodonticProgramdesignates thisactivityfor,per session,20 continuingeducation credits. D13 11 D12939 D12918 The ollege of entistry invites applications fro qualified individuals for a full-time tenure-track research position. The successful candidate ill have a Ph and post-doctoral experience ith a research background in oral health and precision edicine. The successful candidate ill possess a proven research track record that includes evidence of research publication and secured external grant funding (preferably Tri-Agency funding). Preference will be given to applicants who hold a professional dental degree ( , S, B S). Interested candidates ust sub it a cover letter that includes a brief state ent of your teaching experience and research interests; detailed curriculu vitae, three letters of reference, and any supporting docu ents including proof of education, notarized, translated (English) copies of undergraduate and graduate degrees to: r. oug Broth ell, ean ollege of entistry, 105 iggins oad University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatche an S7 5E4 Telephone: (306) 966-5121 Fax: (306) 966-5132 e ail: dentfacultysearch usask.ca Applications ill be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2018. Electronic sub issions by e ail are preferred. The niversity of Saskatche an thanks all applicants for their interest; ho ever, only applicants selected for intervie s ill be contacted. To vie a ore co prehensive version of this job listing, please visit http://jcda.ca/university-saskatche an-1 Faculty Position College of Dentistry The ollege of entistry invites applications fro qualified individuals for a full time tenure-track position for the irector of the eneral Practice esidency Progra ( P ). The eneral Practice esidency at the Sask is seeking an engaged, energetic, clinically active Progra irector to provide leadership for progra accreditation ith the o ission on ental Accreditation. The successful candidate ill have a , S, or B S, have co pleted a eneral Practice esidency Progra , possess a passion for hospital dentistry and resident education, and be able to de onstrate a broad dental clinical skill set. Interested candidates ust sub it a cover letter that includes a brief state ent of your teaching experience and research interests; detailed curriculu vitae, three letters of reference, and any supporting docu ents including proof of education, notarized, translated (English) copies of undergraduate and graduate degrees to: r. oug Broth ell, ean ollege of entistry, 105 iggins oad niversity of Saskatche an Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7 5E4 Telephone: (306) 966-5121 Fax: (306) 966-5132 e ail: dentfacultysearch usask.ca Applications ill be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2018. Electronic sub issions by e ail are preferred. The University of Saskatchewan thanks all applicants for their interest; however, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. To vie a ore co prehensive version of this job listing, please visit http://jcda.ca/university-saskatche an-4 lt iti ll f ti t
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