L’essentiel de l’ADC • Volume 5 • Numéro 3
Ever since 1976, the Stabilok pin has set the Gold Standard for dentin pins. In operation, Stabilok pins separate at the shearing-neck of the pin with total reliability. Stabilok pins are available in either titanium or stainless-steel. Stabilok kit is carefully designed to store individual pins and drills in its own compartment so that they are not exposed to a risk of contamination. ECONOMY KIT (100pins + 5 drills ) Titanium or Stainless-Steel STABILOK DENTIN PINS STANDARD KIT (20pins +1 drill) Titanium or Stainless-Steel FAIRFAX DENTAL Ltd. US : +1-800-233-2305 UK:+44 (0) 20 8947 6464 fairuk@stabident.com www.stabilok.com www.stabident.com STABIDENT SYSTEM STANDARD KIT 20 Perforators + 20Injection-needles ECONOMY KIT 100 Perforators + 100 Injection-needles Step2. Perforating the cortical plate using the Perforator Step3.Inserti ng the Injection-needle in the perforation Step1.Anesthetizing the attached gingiva using the Injection - needle As easy as 1,2,3! Please visit www.stabident.com for: Advantages of intraosseous anesthesia Stabident components and procedure Clips from Stabident DVD Use with a standard latch-type contra-angle handpiece
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