Nanotechnology’s Future in Dentistry For Dr. Bach, a future where nanorobots–robots measured on the scale of nanometers–play a role in dental care is possible. “Tooth movements using nanorobots are some anticipated applications and may be closer to reality than we think,” he says. These nanorobots have the potential to revolutionize health care in areas such as drug delivery and diagnostics. In orthodontics, future scenarios include where a nanorobot could potentially remove necrotic and degenerative tissues, enhance faster tooth movement, and even prevent root resorption, a common concern in orthodontics. “The dream would be orthodontic nanorobots being injected directly in sites on the tooth to manipulate cellular structures in periodontal tissue and bone to remove the necrotic and degenerative tissues or enhance faster move tooth movements or even prevent root resorption,” Dr. Bach explains. These advancements could shorten treatment time, reduce discomfort, and enhance patient satisfaction. Nanorobots could also deliver drugs precisely in the oral cavity, minimizing side effects and maximizing efficacy. Nanosensors could also be developed to detect early signs of oral diseases, such as caries or periodontal disease, potentially allowing for earlier intervention and better outcomes. Challenges and Concerns The development and production of nanomaterials is expensive, which may limit their widespread adoption in dental practices, particularly in regions with limited health care resources. The properties that make nanoparticles effective in combating microorganisms can also pose risks to human cells. “Toxicity is the greatest limitation of these products, of this material, of the nanotechnology,” Dr. Bach warns. Due to their small size, nanoparticles can penetrate the body’s natural filtration systems and reach vital organs, including the brain. “They may also bring damage to normal cells by oxidation, by damaging the cellular membranes, thus damaging the DNA, which could affect cellular division, metagenes, and intracellular transport,” he says. Given these potential risks, more extensive research and rigorous testing are necessary before nanotechnology can be fully integrated into dental practice. “A lot of study, a lot of research has to be done, and caution must be exercised to assure the safety of this kind of technology,” Dr. Bach says. A nanorobot could potentially remove necrotic and degenerative tissues, enhance faster tooth movement, and even prevent root resorption, a common concern in orthodontics. Watch an interview with Dr. Bach on nanotechnology and orthodontics on CDA Oasis at: 26 | 2025 | Issue 1 Issues and People