Volume 11 • 2024 • Issue 2

Blood Pressure Categories BLOOD PRESSURE CATEGORY SYSTOLIC mm Hg (upper number) DIASTOLIC mm Hg (lower number) 130-139 or 80-89 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION) STAGE 1 120-129 and ELEVATED LESS THAN 120 and LESS THAN 80 NORMAL 140 OR HIGHER or 90 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and/or HIGHER THAN 120 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS (consult your doctor immediately) HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION) STAGE 2 LESS THAN 80 along with recommendations from Hypertension Canada. Dental treatment is contraindicated if the systolic blood pressure in the office is 180 mm Hg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is 110 mm Hg or higher. These patients should be referred for medical attention. When can I proceed with dental treatment withmodifications if blood pressure is high? The CDHO’s Advisory states that dental treatment can be performed on patients with elevated blood pressure readings under 180 systolic mmHg and under 110 diastolic mm Hg if they do not have a history of risk factors such as myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, angina pectoris or high risk of coronary artery disease.5 If the patient has one or more of the risk factors stated above, invasive dental procedures should not be performed if the blood pressure is 160 systolic mm Hg or higher and/or 100 diastolic mm Hg or higher. Patients with elevated blood pressure readings should be given a note with their readings and advised to see their medical doctors. The next time a patient has high blood pressure, you know what to do. Follow the guidelines and prevent a possible medical emergency. Check blood pressure regularly on your patients and refer patients to seek medical care when readings are elevated. You may be the first one to discover high blood pressure and improve your patients’ lives. Figure 1:The AmericanHeart Association’s blood pressure categories (See: heart.org/bplevels) References available upon request Watch Dr. Mohanta’s video on managing patients with hypertension on CDA Oasis: bit.ly/3ICxv7c 39 Issue 2 | 2024 | SupportingYour Practice