Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 3

Get vaccinated! That’s still our best wayout of this [...] inconversations at your office, I would also encourage and remind people to get their 2nd dose of vaccine, when they are able and eligible. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official policies of the Canadian Dental Association. The risk associated with COVID infection depends on your age and health, and, for many Canadians, outweighs the vaccine risks. Approximately 1,300,000 in Canada have tested positive for COVID. Almost 2 out of every 100 Canadians who contract COVID die, the same level of all cases worldwide. The public is adjusting to new, and sometimes confusing information, as it emerges in real time, which may cause feelings of uncertainty. Communicating clearly to your patients and staff about the science around vaccines is important, as is explaining that the scientific process always includes change due to new data. In conversations at your office, I would also encourage and remind people to get their 2nd dose of vaccine, when they are able and eligible. Everything we are seeing indicates this helps to boost the immune response and provides better protection for a longer period. Q What messages do you think people need to hear at this point? AB: Get vaccinated! That’s still our best way out of this. It’s going to be so much easier to do things when everyone at our practices is vaccinated. Most likely COVID will be endemic; it will always be present, like the flu. It’s not going to go away. It will continue to require attention and vigilance for years to come. For now, we need to continue to stay safe and be vigilant inside and outside the operatory. And roll up our sleeves and get vaccinated. Q On a personal level, how do you stay resilient these days? AB: I’m very grateful. I’m in a very fortunate position. I’m able to work every day. It’s spring so I can go out walking. I’m so thankful it isn’t frigid January anymore. I have a sense that I’m helping people with my work. That keeps me going, that sense of purpose. I’m looking forward to the near future when I can do things that I’ve really missed like travelling to see my family. But I can see that on the horizon. I have two apple trees on my property and they are blooming (see below). Beautiful, incredible pink flowers. I try to appreciate the small wonders of things, as they are right now. 16 | 2021 | Issue 3 CDA at W ork