Volume 7 • 2020 • Issue 4

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) In May, the federal government announced that the CEWS will be extended by three months, through August 29, 2020. The government also expanded the eligibility criteria to include partnerships that are up to 50% owned by non-eligible members. The request for an extension of the CEWS program was part of CDA’s presentation to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Finance on May 1, 2020 (see pg 16). Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Eligibility criteria for the CEBA was broadened in late May to allowmore small businesses to access this loan product, including sole proprietors who may not have payroll, but are able to demonstrate non-deferrable expenses of $40,000 to $1.5 million. These expenses can include rent, property tax, utilities and insurance. CEBA provides for a loan up to $40,000 to fund certain expenses incurred by the business. The loan is interest free up to December 31, 2022, and no principal payments are required. CDAatWork During thePandemic The CDA COVID-19 Response Team, established in February, continues to work on a range of fronts to help minimize and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the dental profession. CDA is working to address scientific, clinical, economic and business-related matters affecting dentistry, including efforts to increase awareness about the mental health and wellness of dentists, their families and dental office employees during these challenging times. The CDA Help Desk assists dentists and dental office employees navigating and accessing federal government support programs. CDA partnered with MNP, a chartered accountancy and business advisory firm, and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to share and personalize federal funding program information that is more specific to certain business models used in dentistry, including: • Dental Professional Corporations or Self-Employed Dentists • Cost Sharing Arrangements (Un-incorporated Association) • Partnerships Federal Funding Programs Infection Control Working Group CDA Help Desk Details on these models can be found on the CDA website at cda-adc.ca/en/about/covid-19/ferp . The CDA Help Desk is also available at 1-866-232-0385 , M-F, 7:30 am–8:00 pm EDT, to answer any questions dentists may have on these programs. Return to Practice Task Force This Task Force includes representatives from all Corporate Member PDAs. Its main deliverables are: • evidence-based treatment protocols and how to carry these out; • strategies for obtaining and securing PPEs; and • communications to the public on dentists’ return to practice In May, the Task Force completed a ‘Return-to-Practice’ Office Manual, which was given to Corporate Member PDAs, who can tailor the document for dentists in their jurisdictions. This Manual will continue to be updated as guidance and evidence-based findings become available. Future topics for the Task Force will be examining cost leadership strategies and other business recovery issues for dentists. This Working Group is responsible for collecting and assessing information on infection prevention and control to support the Return to Practice Task Force. The Working Group has organized its work into four key areas, including: 1. minimizing the emission of infectant particles; 2. controlling infectant particles’ dispersion to other surrounding areas; 9 Issue 4 | 2020 |