Volume 6 • 2019 • Issue 8

39 Issue 8 | 2019 | Become an Invisalign ® Provider Online Your Invisalign ® journey starts here. Enhance patient care and expand your practice by becoming an Invisalign provider. Invisalign can transform your patients’ smiles and your practice. Research shows that 75 percent of patients could benefit fromstraighter teeth. * Imagine the possibilities that becoming an Invisalign provider could offer. Grow your practice with the Invisalign system. Register for our online course today. Visit: Provider.invisalign.com * Prevalenceanddistributionofselectedocclusalcharacteristics in theUSpopulation,1988-1991. Brunelleetal.JournalofDentalResearch (2/96)andNHANESdata. ©2019AlignTechnology, Inc.AllrightsReserved. Invisalignand the Invisalign logo,amongothers, are trademarksand/orservicemarksofAlignTechnology, Inc.oroneof itssubsidiariesoraffiliated companiesandmayberegistered in theU.S.and/orothercountries.MKT-0003722RevA