Volume 6 • 2019 • Issue 7

21 Issue 7 | 2019 | News and Events Responses from dentists in 2019 reveal: • For the first time, dentists treated an average of less than 10 patients per day (9.8), compared to an average of 12.4 patients over the last ten years. Ninety seven percent of respondents treated fewer than 15 patients a day (compared to 89% in 2018, 83% in 2017, and an average of 78.6% over the last five years). • A trend towards increasing numbers of dentists per practice continues, with only 34% of practices identifying as sole practitioners. • Practices have more operatories, with 70% having four or more operatories (22% have five or more). Almost one-quarter of respondents plan on adding at least one more operatory in the next two years. • The number of chairside days continues to increase. One-third (35%) of respondents spent 200–249 days chairside, while between 2010 and 2018 an average of 30% spent that amount of time chairside. • There is a continuing trend towards slightly longer times to set up practices, with 20% of respondents setting up their practices in the first year (down from 26% in 2017 and a high of 44% in 2010). However, respondents are not waiting much longer than a year; 60% had set up in 2 to 5 years (up from an average of 50% over the previous 8 surveys). • Respondents said patients ask most often about cosmetic dentistry (the top reply in five of the previous eight years), implants and whitening. • The top challenge that respondents intend to address was “getting more patients/keep busy/less patient visit,” followed by “staffing issues/keeping staff/vacation time/finding associate.” a In total, 454 practising Canadian dentists—with proportional distribution across all regions of the country—responded to the survey. The survey results have an accuracy of +/- 4.6% 19 times out of 20. News DIAC Future of Dentistry Survey Average Number of Patients Treated Per Day Drops Below 10 The number of dentists is growing faster than the populations they serve, which affects many facets of how dentists practise, according to the 23rd Annual Future of Dentistry survey conducted by the Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC). 34% sole practitioners 20% set up practices in first year 9.8 patients treated per day (average) 5% <100 days 8% 100-149 days 31% 150-199 days 35% 200-249 days 19% 250 days + 2% No response Dentist chairside days (per year)