CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 6

B IN WPG A P R 2-4 2020 MDA CDA CONVENTION S E E I N G D E N T I S T RY C L E A R L Y S AV E T H E D AT E MDACDA2020 .COM Somuch to see and do in friendly Manitoba. Winnipeg, the vibrant capital city of Manitoba, is located near the geographic centre of Canada and North America. A culturally and ethnically diverse population of more than 700,000 brings a warm and welcoming spirit of “joie de vivre” to the city’s cosmopolitan, international flair. Designated the Culture Capital of Canada 2010, Winnipeg offers a variety of arts, culture, sports, recreation and entertainment sure to satisfy every taste. Here, a thriving arts scene converges with pristine green spaces. Dine in some of the country’s best restaurants; marvel at architectural wonders and experience the culture and people who live the ‘friendly Manitoba’ moniker. Dr. Bill Robbins: Treatment Planning Dr. David Isen: Local Anesthetic and Emergencies Mr. Corey Poirier: Motivation Ms. Claudia Lovato: TeamBuilding Ms. Cindy Ishimoto: Communication Drs. Kristina & Suzanne Perschbacher: Oral Radiology, Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Dr. Paresh Shah: Digital Dentistry Live Demo Dr. Carlos Quiñonez: Public Dentistry Dr. Daniele Larose: Aesthetic Dentistry Manitoba Dental Association presents 2020MDA/CDA Convention SEEINGDENTISTRY CLEARLY For up to date information, visit: MDACDA2020.COM EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES i n I m p l a n t D e n t i s t r y Academy of Osseointegration 35TH ANNUAL MEETING Ma r ch 18-21, 2020 Seattle, WA SAVE THE DATE!