CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 5

35 Issue 5 | 2019 | s | | C lassifieds CLASSIFIEDS Guaranteed access to Canada’s largest audience of dentists ca jcda jadc Visit for more classified ads Orders and Enquiries to: John Reid, ext. 102 c/o Peter Greenhough Media Partners Inc., 15 Wade Road Ancaster, ON L9G 4G1 Tel: 647-955-0060 ext. 102 Placement of ads by telephone not accepted. Send all box number replies to: Box...JCDA 15 Wade Road Ancaster, ON L9G 4G1 The names and addresses of advertisers using box numbers are held in strict confidence. Offices & Practices Regular Classified Rates $275 for the first 50 words or fewer, each additional word $1.63 For colour add $265 All advertisements must be prepaid. 10% discount to dentists who are members of a CDA Corporate Member association (10 provincial/ territorial dental associations) or an affiliate (individual) member of CDA in Quebec. * Ads are published in the language of submission. Column, Size W H Cost 3 column, full page 6 13/16 9 3/8 $2675 2 column, full page 4 ½ 9 3/8 $1770 1 column, full page 2 1/8 9 3/8 $1520 3 column, ½ page 6 13/16 4 5/8 $1520 2 column, ½ page 4 ½ 4 5/8 $1165 2 column, 1/3 page 4 ½ 3.0 $1165 3 column, 1/3 page 6 13/16 3.0 $1165 2 column, ¼ page 4 ½ 2 ¼ $1000 3 column, ¼ page 6 13/16 2 ¼ $1000 Display Advertising Rates ca jcda ca jcdaf BRITISH COLUMBIA - Haida Gwaii: Surrounded by spectacular scenery and endless recreational activities including hiking, camping, ocean kayaking, world class fishing, and great surfing, you can practice here where your lifestyle can’t be beat! This well established, quality practice comes loaded with 30+ years of goodwill. Simply step right in and make it your own by carrying on the rich tradition of extending the best dental care to a stable and happy patient base. The clinic occupies 1300 sq. ft. with 5 fully-equipped operatories. Real estate available! Please contact either Dr. Dean Nomura at or Shauna Lenius at: . D13131 Positions Available ALBERTA – Airdrie: Please only apply if you are interested in mentorship and long-term ownership/partnership opportunities as positions are limited. 6C Dental Services (6CDS) is currently interviewing potential TRIAL PARTNERS for Airdrie and Surrounding Areas. We are a group of dental offices owned and operated by dentists. We are not a corporation, rather an intimate group of providers looking to enhance patient experiences through the execution of our mission and values. Mission: To have a positive impact on our team, patients, and community. Values (6 C’S): Comprehensive dentistry, Collaborative team work, Clear Communication, Customer Service, Create fun, and Connection with team and patients. A trial partnership offers the candidate more than just an associate position. The benefits to the trial partner are as follows: Mentorship: mastermind with a group of compassionate, productive, and skilled dentists. Also, benefit from 1:1 coaching and training; industry standard associate compensation; existing patient base; guaranteed minimum monthly compensation; equity and the associated benefits w/o long-term commitment; centralized practice management support: HR, AR, IT, Training and Development, management, marketing, fiscal responsibility, practice development, and proprietary proto- cols and procedures. If you would like to learn more about our Trial Partnership email: and details will be provided. Note: We currently have 2 opportunities available and our application deadline is August 31st, 2019. All applications are strictly confidential, and your privacy will be respected. D11173 ALBERTA - Calgary: Peak Dental Group is looking for general dentists to join our busy and growing practices in and around the Calgary area. 1-2 years of experience is preferred, but new grads also welcome to apply. A full-time mentorship program is implemented within our practices to help all associates meet their full potential. Our offices are fully digital and equipped with CBCT machines. Continuing education grant available. Average remuneration $30,000 to $50,000/month for full-time dentists. If you are interested in pursuing a long-standing