CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 5
A ugust 22-25 CDA Annual Convention, hosted by Dental Association of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown, PEI S eptember 5-8 FDI World Dental Congress Buenos Aires, Argentina S eptember 6-8 College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference Saskatoon, SK S eptember 21-22 Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry Annual Conference Vancouver, BC S eptember 27-29 Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Annual Scientific Meeting Montreal, QC O ctober 18-22 American Dental Association Annual Meeting Honolulu, USA 2018 DENTAL MEETINGS World Dental Congress BUENOS AIRES 2018 C100 M72 Y0 K18 C0 M100 Y95 K0 A P A S S I O N F O R M A N Y , A C O M M I T M E N T F O R A L L World Dental Congress BUENOS AIRES 2018 C100 M72 Y0 K18 C0 M100 Y95 K0
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