Table of Contents
Calling All Readers
What would you like to see in future editions of JCDA?
Id like to know what you think should be covered in the pages of your national dental journal.
Can you suggest a clinical question that you would like to have answered? What oral health topic(s) do you have a strong opinion about? Can you suggest any people or projects in your community whose story should be shared with your national colleagues?
Please submit your ideas. Thank you for working with me to make JCDA a true reflection of the interests and needs of our profession.
John P. O'Keefe
413 |
Guest Editorial Fluoridation Works: Let Your Voice Be Heard
Robert J. Hawkins, BSc, DDS, DDPH, is dental consultant with public health units in Halton, Waterloo and Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph.
415 |
President's Column
Don A. Friedlander, BSc, DDS
426 |
Surveillance Spotlight: Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Dementia: Real or Imagined?
Anthony M. Iacopino, DMD, PhD
441 |
Point of Care. My patient is receiving orthodontic treatment, and her oral hygiene has taken a turn for the worse. What preventive and interceptive measures are available for improving and maintaining good oral hygiene and cariogenic control in orthodontic patients?
Dr. James Noble
Dr. Sandra Cassolato
Dr. Nicholas Karaikos
Dr. William A. Wiltshire
444 |
Point of care. How should a dentist evaluate severe acute pain involving the teeth and other orofacial areas, and how can the dentist determine whether the patient needs conventional dental interventions?
Dr. Gary D. Klasser
Dr. Joel B. Epstein
447 |
Comment on the 2009 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' Information Statement on Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Bacteremia in Patients with Joint Replacements
Joel J. Napeñas, DDS, FDS RCSEd
Peter B. Lockhart, DDS, FDS RCSEd, FDS RCPS
Joel B. Epstein, DMD, MSD, FRCD(C), FDS RCSEd
450 |
Knowledge and Attitudes about Epilepsy: A Survey of Dentists in London, Ontario
Cecilia E. Aragon, DDS, MS
Tiiu Hess, MD
Jorge G. Burneo, MD, MSPH
451 |
Water Fluoridation in Canada: Past and Present
Danielle Rabb-Waytowich, MLIS
455 |
Reproducibility and Agreement of Clinical Diagnosis of Occlusal Caries Using Unaided Visual Examination and Operating Microscope
Zühre Zafersoy-Akarslan, PhD
Hülya Erten, PhD
Özgür Uzun, PhD
Mustafa Semiz, PhD
457 |
Pathologic Fracture of the Mandible Caused by Metastatic Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
Mohammed AlGahtani, MD
Mansour Alqudah, BDS, MSc, FDSRCS
Saad AlShehri, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Abdulaziz Binahmed, BDS, MDent, FRCD(C), MSc
George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C), FRCSC, FACS
461 |
Dental Management of a Patient with Factor X Deficiency
Abi Adewumi, BDS, FDSRCS (Eng), MPedDent RCS (Eng)
Vishwas Sakhalkar, MD
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The following websites are mentioned in the News & Updates section of the print JCDA.
JCDA does not endorse the content, information or views expressed by the external organizations and institutions listed above, nor does JCDA control, or is responsible for, the content or information provided on these websites.
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported by 3M ESPE, American Dental Association, CDSPI, Comprehensive Straight Wire, GlaxoSmithKline, ITRANS, P&G Professional Oral Health, Quantum, Sunstar and VOCO. I thank them sincerely for this support. Dr. John P. O'Keefe Editor-in-Chief
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Readership Survey |
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