Table of Contents |
365 |
367 |
President's Column
369 |
Message from the Federal Minister of Health Tony Clement
385 |
Focus on Seniors' Programs
393 |
Clinical Showcase (Featuring a speaker at the 2006 FDI Congress)
399 |
Point of Care (Featuring speakers at the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Annual Meeting)
409 |
Senior Oral Health: A System in Decay
Phil Hughes, BA, MEd
413 |
Heads Up! — A Call for Dentists to Screen for Oral Cancer
Catherine F. Poh, DDS, PhD, Cert Oral Path, FRCD(C)
P. Michele Williams, BSN, DMD, Cert Oral Med, FRCD(C)
Lewei Zhang, DDS, PhD, Dip Oral Path, FRCD(C)
Miriam P. Rosin, PhD
419 |
The Development, Implementation, Utilization and Outcomes of a Comprehensive Dental Program for Older Adults Residing in Long-Term Care Facilities
Chris C.L. Wyatt, DMD, MSc, FRCD(C)
P. Michele Williams, BSN, DMD, FRCD(C)
Akber Mithani, B Med Sci, MD
Christopher M. Zed, BSc, MBA, DDS
Edwin H.K. Yen, DDS, Dip Ortho, PhD
421 |
Missing Links in Oral Health Care for Frail Elderly People
Michael I. MacEntee, LDS(I), Cert Prosth, FRCD(C), PhD
427 |
Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Part 1. Strategies for Addressing the New Caries Challenge in Older Patients
Jane M. Chalmers, BDSc, MS, PhD, DABSCD
435 |
Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Part 2. Strategies for Addressing Restorative Challenges in Older Patients
Jane M. Chalmers, BDSc, MS, PhD, DABSCD
441 |
Rational Dental Care: Part 1. Has the Concept Changed in 20 Years?
Ronald L. Ettinger, BDS, MDS, DDSc, DABSCD
447 |
Rational Dental Care: Part 2. A Case History
Ronald L. Ettinger, BDS, MDS, DDSc, DABSCD
453 |
The Treatment of Oral Problems in the Palliative Patient
Michael Wiseman, BSc, DDS, M SND RCS (Edin), FASGD
459 |
Assessment of Caries Risk in Elderly Patients Using the Cariogram Model
Anna Y. Alian, DDS
Mary E. McNally, MSc, DDS, MA
Solveig Fure, DDS, PhD
Dowen Birkhed, DDS, PhD
JCDA Bookmarks
The following websites are mentioned in the News & Updates section of the print JCDA.
JCDA does not endorse the content, information or views expressed by the external organizations and institutions listed above, nor does JCDA control, or is responsible for, the content or information provided on these websites.
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported by 3M ESPE, Astra Tech, Canadian Straight Wire, CDSPI, Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc., Daimler Chrysler Canada, Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, Dentistry Canada Fund, DioGuardi and Company, LLP, GC America, GlaxoSmithKline, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Kodak Dental Systems, Oral-B Laboratories, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, Philips Medical System, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, ROI Corporation, Rondeau Seminars, Strathcona Prescription Centre, Straumann Canada Ltd., Sultan Healthcare, Sunstar Butler and VOCO.
I thank them sincerely for this support. Dr. John P. O'Keefe Editor-in-Chief
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