Table of Contents |
797 |
799 |
President's Column
804 |
The Dental Advisor
823 |
Clinical Showcase
829 |
Point of Care
845 |
A Challenge to Dentists to Take a Leading Role in the Evolution of Canadian Health Care
Vaughan Glover, DDS
849 |
Laypersons' Perceptions of the Esthetics of Visible Anterior Occlusion
Carlos Flores-Mir, DDS, Cert Ortho, PhD
Eduardo Silva, DDS
Maria I. Barriga, DDS
Renzo H. Valverde, DDS, MSc, Cert Ortho
Manuel O. Lagravère, DDS, MSc
Paul W. Major, DDS, MSc, MRCD(C)
851 |
Blistering Mucocutaneous Diseases of the Oral Mucosa — A Review: Part 1. Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Mark R. Darling , MSc (Dent), MSc (Med), MChD (Oral Path)
Tom Daley, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)
855 |
Combined Endodontic Therapy and Surgery in the Treatment of Dens Invaginatus Type 3: Case Report
Ulisses Xavier da Silva Neto, DDS, PhD
Vinício Hidemitsu Goto Hirai, DDS, MSc
Vula Papalexiou, DDS, MSc
Silvana Beltrami Gonçalves, DDS, MSc
Vânia Portela Ditzel Westphalen, DDS, PhD
Clovis Monteiro Bramante, DDS, PhD
Wilson Denis Martins, DDS, PhD, OMFS
859 |
Mandibular Premolar Impaction: 2 Case Reports
Clare McNamara, BDentSc, MFDS, RCS(Eng), MFDS RCS(Irl)
Timothy G. McNamara, BDS, FDS, FFD, DOrth, FICD
865 |
Volunteering: Beyond an Act of Charity
Murray Dickson, DDS, DPed, MPH
Geraldine (Gerri) Dickson, RN, MPH, PhD
JCDA Bookmarks
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported by 3M ESPE, AstraTech, Biodenix, Bottom Line Publishing, CDSPI, Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc., Dentistry Canada Fund, Dentsply Canada, DioGuardi and Company, LLP, Imtec, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Kodak Dental Systems
, Ontario Dental Association, Oral-B Laboratories, ROI Corporation, Straumann Canada Ltd., Sultan Chemists, Sunstar Butler and The Handpiece Clinic.
I thank them sincerely for this support.
Dr. John P. O'Keefe Editor-in-Chief
Mission Statement & Editor's Message |
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