Table of Contents |
587 |
589 |
President's Column
596 |
The Dental Advisor
633 |
Point of Care
639 |
Clinical Showcase
599 |
Is Dentistry a Profession? Part 2. The Hallmarks of Professionalism
Jos V.M. Welie, MMedS, JD, PhD
604 |
A Macroeconomic Review of Dentistry in Canada in the 1990s
Kalyani K. Baldota, BDS
James L. Leake, DDS, MSc, DDPH, FRCD(C)
611 |
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Face: A Rare but Dangerous Complication of Dental Infection
Christopher C. Fenton, BSc, DDS
Thomas Kertesz, BSc, DDS
Gerald Baker, DDS, MS, FRCD(C), FICD
George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C), FRCSC, FACS
617 |
Oral Kaposi's Sarcoma in a Renal Transplant Patient: Case Report and Literature Review
Mark Darling, BChD, MSc (Dent), MSc (Med), MChD
Ivor Thompson, BChD, BChD (Hons), MChD, PhD
Mohammed Meer, BDS, Dip Odont (Oral Surgery)
621 |
A Closer Look at Diagnosis in Clinical Dental Practice: Part 6. Emerging Technologies for Detection and Diagnosis of Noncaries Dental Problems
Iain A. Pretty, BDS(Hons), MSc, PhD
Liam Addy, BDS, MPhil, MFDSRCS
Gerardo Maupomé, PhD
JCDA Bookmarks
• |
of Claim form from Wasserman Associates Inc. (in PDF format)
Wasserman Associates Inc. ("Wasserman") are the bankruptcy trustees
working on behalf of creditors owed money by Gilbert's. Wasserman has
provided CDA with Proof of Claim forms, to enable dentists to add their
names to the list of unsecured creditors. |
• |
Board of Forensic Odontology position paper on thermoplastic impression
materials |
• |
Surgeon General statement on community water fluoridation |
• |
College of Dentists of Canada examinations |
• |
FDI Annual World Dental Congress in Montreal |
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported
by 3M
ESPE, Ash Temple,
CDSPI, Colgate-Palmolive
Canada Inc., CULEASE
Financial Services, Del
Pharmaceutics (Canada) Inc., Imtec
Corporation, Ivoclar
Vivadent Inc., Johnson
& Johnson Inc., Oral-B
Laboratories, Patterson
Dental Canada Inc., Pfizer
Canada Inc., SciCan,
Canada Ltd., Sunstar
Butler and Tri
Hawk Dental Burs.
I thank them sincerely for this support.
Dr. John P. O'Keefe
Mission Statement & Editor's Message |
Multimedia Centre |
Readership Survey |
Contact the Editor |
www.cda-adc.ca |