Table of Contents

483 |
485 |
528 |
Point of Care
534 |
Clinical Showcase

494 |
Patient Age
Is No Contraindication to Endodontic Treatment
Geoffrey H. Sperber, BSc Hons, MS, BDS, PhD, Dr Med Dent hc
Donald C. Yu, BS, DMD, CAGS, MScD, FRCD(C), FAGD

498 |
Herpes Simplex Labialis: Selected Therapeutic Options
G. Wayne Raborn, DDS, MS
Michael G. A. Grace, PhD
505 |
Gingival Recessions
Caused by Lip Piercing: Case Report
Leandro Chambrone, DDS
Luiz Armando Chambrone, PhD, MSD, DDS
511 |
Complexity: Using a Diagnostic Classification System for Edentulous Patients
Randall D. Mazurat, BSc, DDS, MDEd
Nita M. Mazurat, DDS
516 |
Flow, Strength,
Stiffness and Radiopacity of Flowable Resin Composites
Nuray Attar, DDS, PhD
Laura E. Tam, DDS, MSc
Dorothy McComb , BDS, MScD, FRCD(C)
JCDA Bookmarks
advisory statement on antiobiotic prophylaxis for patients with total
joint replacement |
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported
by Ash
Temple, Canadian
Straight Wire, Care
Credit, CDSPI (Canadian
Dental Services Plan Inc.), Colgate-Palmolive
Canada Inc., Dental
Seminars and Symposia, LLC, Dentsply
Canada, GC America
Inc., Imtec Corp.,
Oral-B Laboratories,
Orthodent, Pfizer
Canada Inc., Pharmacia
Canada, Polaroid
Canada Inc, ROI
Corp. and Procter
& Gamble.
I thank them sincerely for this support.
Dr. John P. O'Keefe
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