Table of Contents |
203 |
205 |
President's Column
215 |
Experience of 2 Dental Clinics Registered to ISO 9002
Michael J. Casas, DDS, MSc
David J. Kenny, BSc, DDS, PhD
Douglas H. Johnston, DDS, MSc
221 |
Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity
Canadian Advisory Board on Dentin Hypersensitivity
229 |
Effect of Mode of Polymerization of Bonding Agent on Shear Bond Strength of Autocured Resin Composite Luting Cements
Cecilia C.S. Dong, DMD, BSc (Dent), MSc (Prostho)
Dorothy McComb, BDS, MScD, FRCD(C)
James D. Anderson, BSc, DDS, MScD
Laura E. Tam, DDS, MSc
236 |
The Effect of Cyclosporine with and without Nifedipine on Gingival Overgrowth in Renal Transplant Patients
Abdol Hamid Khoori, DDS
Behzad Einollahi, MD
Ghassem Ansari, PhD
Mohammad Bagher Moozeh, MSD
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported
by 3M
Temple, Care Credit,
CDSPI, Colgate-Palmolive
Canada Inc., Johnson
& Johnson Inc., McNeil,
Oral-B Laboratories,
Orthodent, Pfizer
Canada Inc., Philips
Oral Healthcare, Polaroid
Canada, Porsche Sports
Cars, Procter
& Gamble, Strathcona Pharmacy, Strong Dental Inc., ROI
and the University
of Montreal.
I thank them sincerely for this support. Dr. John P. O'Keefe Editor-in-Chief
Mission Statement & Editor's Message |
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Readership Survey |
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