Fig. 1

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Figure 1: Panoramic radiograph revealing horizontally impacted teeth 47 and 48. Note the stage of root formation of tooth 48.









Fig. 2

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Figure 2: Periapical radiograph of the left posterior mandible demonstrating extensive decay associated with tooth 37. Note the stage of root development of tooth 38.







Fig. 3

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Figure 3: Periapical radiograph showing localized juvenile periodontitis associated with tooth 46.








Fig. 4

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              (a)                                           (b)

Figure 4: Periapical radiographs of the lower third molars show that root development of tooth 48 (a) appears greater than two-thirds; therefore, tooth 38 (b) was used as the donor tooth.









Fig. 5

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Figure 5: Six-month post-operative radiograph indicates patient has regained the supporting alveolar bone in the region of the tooth transplant and shows continued root development with the establishment of a periodontal ligament space.






Fig 1

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Figure 1: Dislodged anterior porcelain-fused-to-metal fixed partial denture one year after initial insertion. The prosthesis is in excellent condition, but the supporting structure had design errors.






Fig 2

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Figure 2: The abutment teeth supporting the fixed partial denture shown in Fig. 1. Note the conical shape of the canine abutment and the excessive angle of convergence of the incisor abutment.






Fig 3

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Figure 3: Following cleaning, the surfaces of the abutment teeth were etched with a phosphoric acid etchant gel for 20 seconds.






Fig 4

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Figure 4: Following etching of the abutment teeth, the surfaces were primed with a dentin bonding agent. Note the shiny appearance of the dentin surfaces after this step. The shine is a good indication of thorough priming.






Fig 5

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Figure 5: Post-operative view after cementation of the original prosthesis with a resin cement. Note the excellent colour match.







Fig 6

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Figure 6: This maxillary central incisor had an all-porcelain crown that dislodged just one year after initial insertion. The tooth was prepared with an excessive angle of convergence.






Fig 7

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Figure 7: This all-porcelain crown belonged to the tooth in Fig. 6. Note the excellent condition of the crown.







Fig 8

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Figure 8: Bitewing radiographic image of mandibular second molar tooth from which a crown dislodged.







Fig 9

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Figure 9: The mandibular second molar shown in Fig. 8 after restoration with a resin composite material and extending the original crown preparation subgingivally.






Fig 10

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Figure 10: The fabricated porcelain-fused-to-metal crown was cemented with a resin cement following a bonding procedure to enhance retention. The occlusal surface of the crown had to be made in metal to minimize occlusal reduction and thus maximize crown height.





Fig 11

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Figure 11: A posterior porcelain-fused-to metal fixed partial denture dislodged in this case due to recurrent caries in the mesial abutment.






Fig 12

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Figure 12: Radiographic image of the fixed partial denture just over 7 years after initial recementation with a dentin-bonded resin cement. The recementation helped to maintain the integrity of the dental arch over the years and preserved the abutment teeth from caries.




Table 1